
23. (nederhasj), bevat gemiddeld meer THC dan Nederlandse wiet (31,5% voor de ratio CBD/THC (0,5% in 2014/2015 versus 0,5% in 2013/2014).

2,1. 1,4. 2,9. 1,3.

c e r t i f i c at e o f a n a ly s i s * for quality assurance purposes. not a california compliance certificate. t h i s i s a r e v i s e d c o a i s s u e d j u n 0 7 , 2 0 1 9

0 2 5 m g / g. 0 . 1 m g / g.


(HPLC) Customer: JC Rapha, INC Collection Date: 07/05/2019 Order Date: 07/05/2019 Report Date: 07/11/2019 Order # 702100 Batch # 00-070119 Initial Weight: 26496.00/mg

N. o.


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Le cannabis est principalement associé à un risque d'hypotrophie. Celui-ci L'usage quotidien de cannabis au cours de la grossesse était de 0,2?%. L'usage  Further research will now analyze actual postmortem urine from THC- positive pilots involved in The total time for the run was 8 .0 min .

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